Breathing Software Ted Holtz - Software Architect/Engineer


Work and Education History

tholtz 2024-06-27

Edward “Ted” Holtz

Cloud and Software Architect


Employment History / Cox Automotive Lead Technical Architect, Inventory, Provisioning, and Dealer Services

March 2017 - Present

AWS Cloud Migration: Lead Architect working with nine teams migrating multiple on-prem datacenters to AWS. Over 1500 VMs either decommissioned or migrated. ECS, EKS, Lambda, Serverless, ArgoCD, Terraform, Lens, Java, Python, NodeJS, Spring Boot, MySQL, S3, RDS, RabbitMQ, SQS, SNS, NewRelic, VPC Peering, VPC Endpoint Services.

Monolith Application tech debt reduction: Balancing feature development and reduction of tech debt on various Java Tomcat monolith web applications, using proprietary web frameworks. MySQL, Java, Tomcat, Coherence, Grails, Spock, Mockito, Coherence, Groovy, Spring Boot, MySQL, OAuth, JWT, javascript, node.

Monolith Database Migration: Worked closely with business stakeholders, DB and network enginers to budget, pland, and migrate a monolithic MySQL cluster to AWS RDS. 5 Terabytes of data on more than 60 VMs. Aurora Global Database, Terraform, RDS, MySQL, ProxySQL, NewRelic, CloudWatch, PagerDuty.

Application and Data Security Enhancements: WAF, Log4j response, Web ACL, Akamai, Aqua, VeraCode, SonarQube, Istio, Security Groups, IAM.

Legacy UI Modernization: monorepo, serverless, reactJS, typescript, JWT, NX, BFF, Github Actions.

Microservices architecture: Java, Python, NodeJS, Spring Boot, Groovy, Spock, MySQL, DynamoDB, RDS, S3, MongoDB.

OpenTempo Lead Software Architect

June 2013 - December 2016

Materialized Views: Designed and implemented the optimization of mission critical, but long-running SQL stored procedures. Ruby scripts generating SQL code. Ruby, PL/pgSQL, PostgreSQL, Postgres materialized views.

OpenTempo API: Designed and implemented a customer facing API backed by a read-only replica of the core PostgreSQL database. Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL.

Agile Development Processes: Set up and trained developers and management on Continuous Integration, Automated Deploy, Sprints, Standups, Retrospective, Stories, etc.

Center for Mindful Learning (503c) Founder, Executive Director

Nov. 2010 - June 2013 Developed a Ruby on Rails SAAS curriculum for public schools. The teacher and students learn in parallel how to teach and how to practice mindfulness in the classroom. Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Knockout, Bootstrap, javascript.

Entegreat Software Consultant

Feb. 2008 - Nov. 2010

GMS: Half of a two-developer team implementing a business intelligence dashboard with data warehousing for manufacturing line metrics. Customers: Molson-Coors, Green Mountain Coffee. C#, ExtJS, ASP.Net, MS SQL, ETL, GE Proficy.

CQG, Inc. Senior Software Engineer/Team Lead

Feb. 2005 - Feb. 2008

CQG News: Lead developer on a full text searchable Nasdaq news feed, consumed real-time by CQG customers’ automated trading platforms. MS SQL, MS Full-Text Search, C#, .Net.

Impact Telecommunications, Inc. Founder, CTO

Jan. 1995 - July 2004

Started an international voice phone company with a Japanese subsidiary (i-Tel KK). Dedicated leased line network connecting Denver, Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, with smaller VoIP nodes in Panama and Vietnam. Sold international phone calls, international callback, VoIP, Fax over IP, and prepaid calling cards mainly in the Japanese market. $4 million in annual sales.


Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics (GPA 4.0) June 1991

Bachelor of Arts, Russian Language (GPA 4.0) June 1991

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (Overall GPA 3.91)

Full Scholarship (Goldwater Scholarship for Excellence in Math and Science)

Personal Information

Foreign Languages

English – Native

Japanese – Fluent Speaking, Reading and Writing.

Russian – Functional Speaking, Reading.

Spanish – Functional Speaking, Reading.


Meditation & Mindfulness, Depth Psychology, Ultramarathon Running


How to get a hold of me?

tholtz 2016-12-08

I split my time living in Encino, California and South Burlington, Vermont.

The Los Angeles area is one of the most dynamic and progressive cities in the world.

And Vermont is simply a beautiful place to live. You’re likely to find me out in the woods somewhere either mountain biking or jogging. Drop me a line if you wanna go for a ride.

